31DC2015 – The Roundup Post

The nail art marathon is over for this year and it’s been so much fun even if it’s been a challenging month! Let’s take a look at the manicure done for each day. Follow the links below to go to each day of the challenge.

I have many favorites (I showed three of them for you yesterday) but I also love the metallic nails, the artwork and the stripes. Which was your favorite?






  1. October 5, 2015 / 8:37 pm

    Så bra jobbat med denna utmaning. Jag älskar alla dina frihandsmålade blommor! De ser så härligt “effortless” ut. Sen gillar jag verkligen din galax också, samt vattenmarmoreringen :)

  2. October 6, 2015 / 5:01 am

    Wow, shit vad duktig du varit! Precis som Zara älskar jag de frihandade blommorna!

  3. October 6, 2015 / 7:05 am

    I love all your manis. I can’t choose, sorry. You have style that suits me much.

  4. October 6, 2015 / 8:25 am

    Såååå imponerad av ditt arbete med alla dessa vackra manikyrer! Vilket jobb du lagt ned. :-)

  5. October 7, 2015 / 6:25 am

    OMG!!! They are all so supppppeeeer pretty. Simply cannot decide which is the best for each have their own kind of beauty.