How to prepare for the 31 days Challenge

September the 1st starts another 31 Days Challenge and the rules are just the same as the other years (more info at Chalkboardnails that hosts the challenge): follow the designated theme for the day :). The prompts for this year can you see in the picture below.

2016 is my fourth year in a row I’m participating at the 31DC and I’m pretty excited about that. But to do 31 nail arts in a row IS a challenge and having to do these nail arts every day can be a lite too much during those non-inspired days. Therefore I thought I would put down some of my tips and reminders for the 31DC2016:

  • Plan your nail arts. Take a look at the prompt and start thinking about the designs that you would like to do for the different days. Keep your ideas in a notebook.
  • Start with the challenge before the challenge starts. This way you will work ahead and when your inspiration just isn’t there you can fall back on your previous designs.
  • If you work ahead, you don’t need to do the prompts in the same order as you are going to present them. If you have inspiration for another theme, do that instead. Make sure you have the next day secured though…
  • … and remember to have fun with the challenge!

Are you planing on joining the challenge this year?




  1. August 29, 2016 / 5:20 am

    Jag kommer nog inte vara med men det ska bli roligt att se vad du och alla andra åstadkommer!:)

  2. August 29, 2016 / 10:27 am

    Unfortunately no time for this…

  3. August 29, 2016 / 9:21 pm

    This is going to be my first time with a challenge, and I’m so ready to rock this!))) I’m going to post my manis only on instagram though.

  4. August 31, 2016 / 7:36 pm

    Ska bli jättekul att köra i år igen! Dock är jag lite sent ute så har inte hunnit förbereda mig så mycket, du borde ha påminnt mig genom att publicera det här inlägget för en månad sen ;)