Nail Care

Nail Care - Tips and Tricks

Nail Care - Tips and Tricks

I’ll be turning three years of bloging soon and I’ve learned a couple of things when it comes to nail care that I want to share with you. We’re are in the middle of October and at least here in Sweden we are having colder days and that usually means drier hands, drier nails and drier cuticles. It’s always important to take care of the hands and the nails but this time of the year the nail care process becomes even more important. Here’s what I’ve learned so far:

  • Moisturizing your hands is crucial. Hand creme is to be used at least once a day or whenever your hands feel dry.
  • Take care of your cuticles and use cuticle oil at least once a day. My nails have been brittle and they have been splitting. Using cuticle oils is what has helped my nails to remain strong and to grow a little longer than they used to.
  • Whenever you do the dishes, use gloves to protect your hands and nails from unnecessary contact with water and detergents.
  • Always use a base coat when doing your manicure. This will prevent your nails from getting too stained from the nail polish.
  • Don’t use your nails as tools. Using them as tools may cause nail breakages.
  • When you happen to break a nail you can always try to repair the damage. There are different methods and repairing kits out there and I’ve used the Depend repairing kit so far. That one seems to work the same way as the tea bag method does but I haven’t tried the tea bag method yet so I can’t tell for sure. There is also a repairing kit from ORLY that looks interesting. Sarah from Chalkboard Nails has written a blog post about it and I know I want to try that kit too soon.

How are you taking care of your nails? I’m always looking for new nail care tips to maintain strong and long nails :)



  1. October 12, 2013 / 7:19 pm

    i don’t taking care very much of my nails but when i do i use lemony flutter by lush which is the best cuticle cream i think and nfu oh cuticle oil mango !! :D and hand cream by essence or l’occitane en provence :)

  2. October 13, 2013 / 8:57 am

    Bra inlägg, det många verkas glömma men som du skrivit ned är att inte använda naglarna som verktyg. Sett många i min omgivning som gör det misstaget och sen blir förvånad att naglar knäcks hit och dit.

  3. October 13, 2013 / 10:08 am

    Jag gör mycket av det du säger. Plus äter Silicea Original och B-vitaminer. Men jag vet inte om jag har använt ett dåligt baslack eller en dålig remover för mina naglar har inte mått så bra på några månader nu. Hoppas det vänder snart.

  4. Christine
    October 13, 2013 / 10:48 am

    What a great timing – I live some 1000 km down South from you but also in Switzerland the warm days definitely are gone – or nearly gone!!! Looking at your beautiful nails those products really do a great job, I am impressed!!! I use a Brazilian nailwax from a brand called Creta and the wax is named Granado. I wouldn’t leave the house without it!!! I do a exfoliant every 2-3 weeks using L’Occitane exfoliant for hands and L’Occitane Shea Butter hand cream ONLY – the best ever for my hands <3

  5. October 13, 2013 / 3:59 pm

    I agree with everything you wrote here :) Using cuticle oil is crucial for strong healthy nails, I use it at least once a day before going to bed. And a base coat is a must for me, even if I use light sheer polishes.

  6. October 13, 2013 / 4:26 pm

    Jättemånga bra tips! Att inte använda naglarna som verktyg tog jag verkligen till mig, det känns viktigt! Dock borde jag bli bättre på att smörja in händerna…

  7. October 13, 2013 / 4:43 pm

    Jag har precis varit och införskaffat mig min första flaska nagelolja och börjat använda mellan varje omlackning. Se om det gör någon skillnad när vintern och den kalla, torra luften kommer.
    Historiskt sett så har jag alltid varit vansinnigt kass på det där med nagelvård. Ytterst tacksam för att jag har starka och förlåtande naglar i grunden.

  8. October 13, 2013 / 5:03 pm

    Nagelolja varje gång jag byter manikyr. Lush Lemony Flutter så ofta jag kommer ihåg det och handkräm i alla möjliga olika former ett antal gånger varje dag. Plus att jag äter vitaminer och i omgångar lite extra bra saker för naglarna också. Naglarna är inte det största problemet för mig utan nagelbanden som lätt blir supertorra och fula.

  9. October 14, 2013 / 9:17 pm

    I love your nail care tips! I tend to use my nails as “tools” and you’re right, we shouldn’t use them as tools!! lol :D

  10. October 15, 2013 / 2:00 am

    I totally agree with the “nails as tools” tip! After I broke almost all my nails down to tiny nubbins I finally decided to treasure my nails, and now i ask people to do things for me when I think I might break a nail (untie knots, open jars, etc). I haven’t broken any nails since, but I do get some strange looks :)