Water Decals from Saijtam.se

This is actually my second try with these decals. Not because I didn’t like the first pictures but because I’ve lost them somehow. Originally I made this manicure on top of a white but while I was wearing them I decided that a skittlette was a better choice for them.

The base of my manicure is:

  • A England – Lancelot on my index finger
  • Cheeky Monkey – Pop my Cherry on my long finger and ring finger
  • Sweden Nails – White Snow on my pinky

Afterwards I noticed that I should have chosen a white polish for the decal on my long finger. I’ll think about that the next time I’m doing something similar or use these decals again.

These decals come from Saijtam.se.

Water Decals from Saijtam.se

Water Decals from Saijtam.se



  1. July 11, 2016 / 5:50 am

    Vilka roliga dramatiska dekaler! de måste väl iaf vara nya? :) annars har jag missat dem helt.

    • July 12, 2016 / 3:11 am

      De är inte nya men de kommer inte fram på samma sätt då jag inte har dem på naglarna :D

      • July 12, 2016 / 6:02 am

        Ah okej, då är det därför. Tyckte ansikten kändes väldigt obekanta och de sticket ju ut rätt mkt så tyckte jag borde ha kommit ihåg dem:)

  2. July 11, 2016 / 12:17 pm

    Aw, this is different and very edgy which I like a lot! Great work!

  3. July 11, 2016 / 1:16 pm

    Devils here and there ;)

  4. July 15, 2016 / 4:59 am

    That’s some seriously impressive decals! Beautiful mani!!