Yes Love – 23

My love for neons made me get a couple of them during my vacation. The brand “Yes Love” is new in my stash and I’m always happy to try a new brand. The guy that sold the polishes (I’ve got them from a market) had quite a large selection and that made it difficult for me to choose colors. I don’t own so many green neons so this one wasn’t difficult to choose though :D I’ve put on two coats on my nails and that didn’t cover entirely but I really don’t mind a little bit of VNL from time to time. The polish dried to a matte surface so a top coat is needed for a shiny manicure.

Yes Love - 23

Yes Love - 23

Yes Love - 23

Yes Love - 23

Yes Love - 23

Yes Love - 23



  1. August 10, 2013 / 8:56 pm

    This neon green is beautiful!

  2. August 11, 2013 / 12:30 am

    wow such a bright colour! I like how energising it looks :)

  3. August 11, 2013 / 1:05 am

    Åh wow! Vilken färg! Verkligen riktigt neongrön!

  4. Christine
    August 11, 2013 / 7:16 am

    Stunning!!! And I don’t mind a little bit of VNL either if the polish has such a jelly feel like this mindblowing green :-)

  5. August 11, 2013 / 6:24 pm

    Vilken pigg och härlig grön!

  6. August 11, 2013 / 8:14 pm

    Men åh så piggt och fint!

  7. August 12, 2013 / 4:37 am

    Fantastiskt fin grön! Man vill bita i den!

  8. August 13, 2013 / 6:45 pm

    This is so bright and fun!